A family World Tour through a Plastic planet and how to end the SUPP
• WHAT will be done
Our family went on a world tour 2018/2019.
What met us, was a devastating truth: our planet is dying under plastic debris!
Witnessing how the omnipresent Single Use Plastic Pollution (SUPP) is oozing toxins into our lands and oceans, slowly killing fauna, flora, and humans alike, we realised that instead of WORRYING ABOUT IT- we must stop CREATING IT!
Join us, on Thursday 21st, at 10 Am, for an inspirational true story, told by the co-founder of The World Is Home non profit organization, Madie Dee, and learn how the vast majority of the planet, Europeans including, ignore the Full Picture of the ever increasing Single Use Plastic Pollution.
Find out how we are all concerned and responsible for this omnipresent, eternal substance, and how easily we can fight it.
Learn how you can go from the most unaware, consumer to a true fighter, and leave with your free copy of “Dee Essential guide to a SupFree Christmas”.
Limited places, available only upon confirmation via email.
We are international organization based in Brussels, with a mission to RAISE THE GLOBAL AWARENESS OF THE SINGLE USE PLASTIC POLLUTION AND FIGHT ITS GROWTH.
More information to follow here:
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: