Adios plástico (goodbye plastics) !
• WHAT will be done
The 2018 Law on Waste Reduction and its Taxation in Navarra is up to ten years ahead concerning plastic recycling.
The law foresees the progressive elimination of disposable packaging and products.
Bags.To avoid environmental contamination and the aggravation of the problem of the abundance of bags in seas and rivers, the focus shall be on plastic bags. The aim is to ban the supply of plastic bags from 2020 onwards, including biodegradable bags, except compostable plastic ones, in accordance with the requirements of standard UNE-EN 13432:2000 or equivalent. This shall be carried out progressively, starting with the obligation to charge for bags at points of sale, home delivery and supplied through online sales, from the 1st July 2018 onwards. This shall be subsequently followed by the ban on the provision of any bags in 2020. On the one hand, retailers shall display the prices in a prominent place, for customer information purposes. On the other hand, retailers shall inform the Department of the Environment of the environmental allocation of the income received from the sale of plastic bags.
Single-use products. From 2020 onwards, it shall be prohibited to sell disposable plastic plates, glasses, cups and food trays, except for those made of biodegradable material. Furthermore, it shall be prohibited to sell single-dose packaged products or single-use pods made from non-recyclable materials, either organically or mechanically.
The campaign #agurplasticoadios supports, by means of posters and videos, a change in mindset and actions within the population.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: