Exposición, charlas explicativas e caracterización de residuos na Universidade da Coruña


WHAT will be done


Para a mellora na recollida separada de residuos na Universidade da Coruña, a Oficina de Medio Ambiente (OMA-UDC) organiza diferentes iniciativas nas Escolas e Facultades.

  • Caracterización de residuos nos centros. Organízase a reocollida e logo estúdase a composición das distintas fraccións in situ e analízase a calidade da separación en orixe, rexistrando o estado respecto a cursos anteriores.
  • Exposición de residuos. Nesta convocatoria de 2020 a exposición “O lixo na UDC: Modelo Nostián”, composta por 16 paneis, estará na Facultade de Economía e Empresa durante a EWWR. Tamén se pode visualizar e descargar na seguinte ligazón: https://udc.es/sociedade/medio_ambiente/compostaxe/expo-residuos/
  • Xornadas informativas nas aulas (formato presencial ou video, en función das posibilidades en cumprimento da normativa por Covid-19), dirixida especialmente a alumnado de 1º curso, para a sensibilización e resolución de dúbidas sobre a recollida separada de residuos, centrándose no modelo Nostián que atinxe á cidade da Coruña.

Mais información sobre a xestión de residuos e as áreas de compostaxe da UDC : https://www.udc.es/gl/sociedade/medio_ambiente/compostaxe/

For the improvement in the separative collection of waste in the University of A Coruña, the Office for the Environment (OMA-UDC) organizes different initiatives in the Schools and Faculties:

  • Characterization of waste in the Centers. The re-collection is organized and then the composition of the different fractions is studied in situ and the quality of the separation at source is analyzed, recording the state with respect to previous courses.
  • Waste exposure. In this 2020 call the exhibition “Garbage at the UDC: Nostián Model”, consisting of 16 panels, will be at the Faculty of Economics and Business during the EWWR. It can also be viewed and downloaded at the following link: https://udc.es/sociedade/medio_ambiente/compostaxe/expo-residuos/
  • Informative days in the classrooms (face-to-face or video format, depending on the possibilities in compliance with the regulations by Covid-19), aimed especially at students of 1st year, for awareness and resolution of doubts about the separate collection of waste, focusing on the Nostián model which reaches the city of A Coruña.


WHERE it will take place


- _other spanish regions


A Coruña
Campus Universitarios

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Universidade da Coruña
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:


+34 881015626


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

21/11/20, 22/11/20, 23/11/20, 24/11/20, 25/11/20, 26/11/20, 27/11/20, 28/11/20, 29/11/20


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