Challenge Project: Reduce Your Waste, It’s Your Turn!


WHAT will be done


Istanbul is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with its population of nearly 16 million.  Due to increasing of the population and our daily consumption habits waste amounts rise dramatically in our unique city Istanbul, which is lay on two continents. According to 2019 waste data, daily about 19 thousand tons waste have been generated in Istanbul.

As IMM (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality) Waste Management Directorate we are involved in waste treatment area with technical instruments on waste transport, recycling and recovery facilities as well. But we believe that waste reduction and avoiding of waste generation are two main tools on the top of the waste hierarchy. For the following years we have been building our reach sustainable development goals on waste management. Therefore citizen awareness and trainings are important to reach our targets on sustainable waste management.

In cooperation with Mind Your Waste Foundation, which has activities with the aim of ensuring a behavioral transformation towards sustainable consumption habits and reducing waste production and disposing of the garbage to the right place, we have considered to create an awareness action on waste minimization.

Due to the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, it has been seen that citizens spend more time at their homes, give more online orders instead of going shopping, and prefer the use of disposable products for hygiene reasons. Our main goal is to remind people that it is possible to reduce the amount of waste with some easy changes in daily life and to gain new sustainable habits in this project period. In this context, with the contribution and participation of local governments and mayors, official authorities who are responsible for waste collection, transportation, sweeping and disposal processes, we have designed a popular campaign in social media that will encourage all citizens to participate. We will announce our campaign throughout our e-mail groups, web sites, social media accounts. Then we will invite people to challenge each other on waste reduction in social media. We will start the challenge among the personnel in our department and then we will try disseminating it in whole IMM staff. To attract people we encourage our mayor and other mayors, social media phenomenon, NGOs to attend the challenge.


WHERE it will take place




Muhsin Yazicioglu Cad.

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

21/11/20, 22/11/20, 23/11/20, 24/11/20, 25/11/20, 26/11/20, 27/11/20, 28/11/20, 29/11/20


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Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Thematic Focus: invisible waste

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