Creating ways of being together
• WHAT will be done
Creating ways of being together
Within the problematic of the cycles of life of the materials, their reuse in multiple different ways and an experimental processing of conceiving an architectural construction, by stimulating the imaginary and the experience of the body in relation with space, children, parents and teachers will become the co-architects of a common space where the children can play, think, relax and take decisions for their daily life in school. They will conceive and construct brut structures that will give form to a temporary architectural pavilion inside the territory of the school, made from heterogeneous elements collected from several places throughout the city, giving a new life to the waste of the society. In a festive atmosphere, solidarity, imagination, collaboration and raising awareness of the ecology will be our main axes to think and develop this action.
The materials that will be mainly collected will be broken parts of chairs from garbages, packages from industrial products that are no longer in use, bruches from trees that are cut down from the municipality, plastic industrial elements as waste from factories…
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: