Taller de elaboración de jabón reciclando aceite y envases
by: Ayuntamiento de Utebo
Spain - Aragon
- Utebo
26/11/22, 27/11/22 ,
The Eco- committe and Eco club together with the pupils and staff of Glasswater Primary School will be taking part in EWWR campaign.
Our School’s Eco Team will be organizing ‘Waste free lunch Challenge’ on 22nd November.The whole school will be involved on the day including the staff, as our Eco Team will be monitoring and promoting the action during the week. During the week of Waste reduction The Eco- Team will be holding whole school Assembly to draw attention of the importance of waste reduction using different waste products and highlighting the damage for the environment.
How can you get in contact:
Dates of the proposed action:
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: