Don’t Buy Packaged Products and Reduce Waste, Separating Waste Correctly and Recycle!”
• WHAT will be done
On November 24, 2023, Bezmialem Vakıf University Department of Nursing Public Health Nursing course, within the scope of School Health Practice, at Istanbul Çapa Atatürk Secondary School, under the direction of Assistant Professor Ayşe DOST, Research Asistant Yasemin ADIGUZEL and Research Asistant Sumeyye GENCER “Don’t Get Wrapped Up, Recycle and Separating Waste Correctly!”an awareness event will be held with the slogan.
Things to do within the scope of the event are:
1. All students will be educated in the school conference hall. The content and flow of the awareness activity are listed below.
2. “Do not use packaged products!” in common areas at school. Information posters containing the slogan will be hung.
3. A stand will be set up and informative brochures will be distributed to children.
Topic Title/slogan: “Don’t Get Wrapped Up, Recycle and Separating Waste Correctly!”
Purpose: Reducing the Use of Packaged Products by Students, Ensuring Recycling and Sorting of Waste Correctly.
What is global climate change?
What are the measures that can be taken to prevent global climate change?
What is the environment and environmental awareness?
What is recycling?
Which items can be recycled?
Which items cannot be recycled?
Why is recycling important?
How is recycling done?
Reducing the use of packaged products
Reducing plastic use
How can we recycle at home?
How can we recycle in our school and classroom?
Teaching methods:Plain expression, Question answer, Game Brainstorming
Materials to be used: powerpoint presentation, banners, Video, Matching recyclables to the correct boxes game
Number of people planned to attend:400 Students
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
Dr. Ayse DOST
GSM: +905076506238
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: