Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way


WHAT will be done


(Action1: “Recycling Rabbits’ Poop
Poop collected is naturally air dried, and then shredded together with other organic waste. The process is done using a robust shredding machine in-house built by one of the club’s volunteers. The shredding machine was assembled using 100% recycled material metal and no paint has been used on it. Once compost it is mixed and scatted onto the soil at the club’s Rabbit Herb Garden, which herbs we use, to naturally cure any common ailments in rabbits. Furthermore, this compost is also used at this volunteers fruit garden, where it has turned out to be quit a fruitful project!)

The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963 was founded by Mr Joe Debattista way back in 1963 – thus the name.

Our Objectives
The objectives of this club range from promotional, to educational and informative nature. The aims of the club vary. We promote pet rabbits, encourage home breeders, educate on the best upkeep of rabbits and improve their environment, but most importantly we help to develop further the hobby and welfare of rabbits through research. The club has in the past 4 years gone thru’ challenging changes. We have embarked onto new projects and took new routes by promoting rabbits for therapy, helping children and young adults with autism and any other special needs and which has also proven to have offered a smile and some good company to elderly people residing in various senior citizens homes. The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963 proudly proclaims that this experiment has turned out to be a huge success! With great passion we also announce, that the club has also joined forces with the Ministry of Education, offering hands-on practise teaching, in favour of rabbits’ health care. It is our intention that the knowledge gained throughout the years, is not lost and thus we feel that this collaboration is of utmost importance.

Our belief
The Club believes that if we live in a clean and better environment, we automatically create the best environment for the animals and pets, in our case rabbits. With environmental issues like water contamination, pollution, and climate change, it’s natural to look for ways we can reverse the damage to our planet and keep our environment clean. Some might think we’re too small to make a difference, but when enough of us take action, we’ve seen the positive results we can create.

Our Actions
We have put words into practice and have been taking various actions to reduce waste. And we proudly state that we have taken various projects very seriously because we truly believe we can make a difference, by reducing waste.

Recycling Rabbits’ Poop
Considering the number of rabbits the club owns, we are turning their waste into useful material. The amount of poop collected is naturally air dried, and then shredded together with hay waste, shredded newspapers and other garden refuse such as bark, flowers, grass and hedge cuttings, leaves, plants, small branches, twigs and weeds. The process is done using a robust shredding machine in-house built by one of the club’s volunteers. The shredding machine was assembled using 100% recycled material metal and no paint has been used on it. Once the whole process is done, the material produced becomes compost and it is mixed and scatted onto the soil at the club’s Rabbit Herb Garden, which herbs we use, to naturally cure any common ailments in rabbits. Furthermore, this compost is also used at this volunteers fruit garden, where it has turned out to be quit a fruitful project!

Recycling of Wood and old items
Whoever is familiar with the Club knows, that the club’s President, is a carpenter by trade! Thus, it is only natural that he turns any reclaimed wood or cut offs into useful things for the club….and what can be more useful to us then wooden playpens for our rabbits!? Furthermore, he also collects and recycles any old item like stands, planters, woven straw baskets, decorative baskets, old TV sets and more to be used as setup props. We have also lately embarked onto a new project of upcycling old furniture pieces and fruit and vegetable crates to be used as props and decorative pieces for display as need be. Also, in collaboration with Atelier Manuel, who in today’s busy and hectic world, finds comfort in nature. His love for trees and wood crafting shows through the range of colourful, wooden toys, that recall nostalgic games from his childhood. These toys are all handcrafted from reclaimed pieces of wood, made with love, unique and customized upon request. Each one, a character,to be enjoyed alone or together as an invitation for mere dialogue, play or craft.

Recycling of Rabbits fur/wool
On board the Club also has a groomer for the rabbits. The wool is selectively divided according to the colour and stored in recycled paper bags for best storage. This is later given to our weaver in Gozo, who produces caps, hats or whatever is needed and asked for, by patients especially children undergoing treatments locally and abroad.


WHERE it will take place




Michael Cachia

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


The Malta Rabbit Club - Since 1963
# Association/NGO

How can you get in contact:

presently being constructed

Mobile 99066200 99458649


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

16/11/2019, 17/11/2019, 18/11/2019, 19/11/2019, 20/11/2019, 21/11/2019, 22/11/2019, 23/11/2019, 24/11/2019


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