“Don´t Waste Food”
• WHAT will be done
DON’T WASTE FOOD! For a responsible diet
The Project “Don’t waste food!” is committed to a responsible balanced and adapted to necessities diet. In a world where millions of people starve every day and the resources aren’t unlimited, it is unacceptable that we throw away food.
After having assessed how much food can be wasted in the Penitentiary Centre, the main aim will be to plan answers and solutions to cut down to the minimum the unnecessary waste of food.
For us, a fundamental objective is always to promote healthy food habits and develop a responsible healthy diet. So, in this way, we are going to put into practise several activities such as: organisation of Working Groups
to analyse and define a healthy balanced diet, trying to modify the bad habits; information and involvement of the educative authorities, local authorities, etc. in the development of the project; spreading through the media (radio, TV, press…) of the activities and corresponding results of the project; and different specific activities that, in the context of the slogan “Don’t Waste Food”, could be carried out by each of the partners belonging to the Project.
Eventually, we are going to elaborate some common conclusions, through the analysis and assessment of the tasks done which are going to be collected in the “Final Project Summary”, for a later dissemination.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: