exploiting olive branch cuttings for energy use- reducing CO2 emissions- combatting energy povertyexploiting olive branch cuttings for energy use- reducing CO2 emissions- combatting energy poverty


WHAT will be done


20/11/2021 Invitation by the Municipality of Ikaria to the public for the pickup of olive prunings. Ikaria has about 1/5 of its area (254.4 km²) covered by olive groves and at this time the olives are pruned. Large quantities of pruning accumulate in the fields and must be removed. Until today, farmers burn them by increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere. The Municipality of Ikaria decided to effectively address the issue of recycling, composting, reuse. In this context, it decided to collect the olive prunings and to support the creation of a young Cooperative Enterprise of a social character in order to crush the prunings and to process them into pellets and briquettes.

24/11/2021 Gathering olive prunings

25/11/2021 Gathering olive prunings

26/11/2021 Gathering olive prunings

27/11/2021 Information event for the plans of the Municipality, in collaboration with the citizens for the management of pruning and other green waste for composting and/or energy utilization (pellets and briquettes).

28/11/2021 Evaluation of the action – expected results – methodology – schedule.


WHERE it will take place




Agios Kirikos, Ikaria
Municipality of Ikaria

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Municipality of Ikaria
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:


Mayor of Ikaria dak2@otenet.gr , tel +030 22753 50 401
Vice mayor of water, electricity and cleaning Raptis Photios info@ikaria.gov.gr , tel +030 22753 50 401
Elias Gianniris responsible for the participation to ewwr igiann3@gmail.com, tel +30 6974185330


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

20/11/21, 24/11/21, 25/11/21, 26/11/21, 27/11/21, 28/11/21


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