From waste to the organic product – over the compost bridge
• WHAT will be done
Education of the people on the needs, benefits and composting technology through theoretical lectures and practical workshops. Raising awareness about the importance of primary sorting of municipal waste through lectures and two public debates: “Waste is not garbage, but a mixture irresponsibly rejected often valuable materials that can be converted into a refined product” & “Humus – useful in the production of ornamental and medicinal plants, fruits and vegetables in organic farming”
Organized collecting of organic and garden waste from neighbour households, its removal in an enclosed composter (6×4 m) in the park “Mini Yugoslavia”. Proper treatment of compost in order to get quality humus that will be distributed to citizens in addition to prize seedlings, to long-term positive impact on the environment. Through the contest “Reused – DIY Composter” to motivate more people to think about the creation of home composters and encourage the initiative and activity that does not require large material costs.
Through independent production and use of own compost from its own resources to start producing organic products for their own needs, which contributes to the household budget and contributes to general health.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
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Dates of the proposed action:
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