III edycja EduPak – Konferencja, Warsztaty, Konkurs


WHAT will be done


The first stage is a multifaceted Conference and Workshop for Teachers at the Teacher Training Center (ODN) in Poznań on November 19 from 15.00 to 20.00 for 150 teachers. It is a combination of theory and practice. The topic of the meeting is “How to save nature and humanity from self-destruction? So how does the awareness of our daily choices affect the changing world. ”
During the Conference, representatives of all packaging fractions (plastic, paper, metal, glass, bio / eco) as well as external experts of companies and organizations will appear. The topics of the conference are:
1. What do we really throw away?
2. How to properly segregate packaging waste according to the new rules on 5 fractions
3. As far as our planet is enough – climate change – we show a global problem based on local consequences
4. How do you shop without harming the environment?
After the conference, we invite teachers to work in groups showing “Closed loop – what it really consists in” – And metal, glass, plastics, paper and plastics, biodegradable, oxidative, compostable.

The second stage is the work of Teachers with students and the announcement of the COMPETITION at dedicated meetings and lessons provided in the curriculum based on the materials provided. The effect and culmination of the work of teachers and students is the next, third edition of the EDUPAK POLSKA educational and ecological competition in Greater Poland for:
– Preschoolers (two age groups)
– Elementary school students (two age groups)
– Secondary school students

The third stage is an exhibition of competition works during the Educational Fair in Poznań at the Poznań International Fair on March 6-8, 2020. There, the jury will evaluate the work and award prizes and cups. As in previous years, the prizes will be selected by the winners and bought after agreeing on the details


WHERE it will take place




ul. Górecka

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


EduPak Polska
# Association/NGO

How can you get in contact:


Łukasz Mikołajczak
e-mail: lukasz@komucom.pl
tel. mob. 501 222 757


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:



join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Thematic Focus: invisible waste

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