Increase Your Time, Reduce Your Waste: Waste Reduction Training Program for MunicipalitiesIncrease Your Time, Reduce Your Waste: Waste Reduction Training Program for Municipalities


WHAT will be done


Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU), Turkey coordinator of The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), has planned a training program for municipalities consisting of webinars to be spread this week. The training program, which shapes its conceptual framework around the “Circular Communities” theme of the European Waste Reduction Week, aims to create awareness among municipalities by spreading the program throughout the week. Setting out with the code of “the best waste is the one that is not produced”, the program is designed over three pillars. These pillars are the circular community concept, the first three steps of the waste management hierarchy: “prevent, reduce and reuse” actions, and two different scales affected by local governments. These scales are classified as macro scale, which includes the infrastructure and waste management strategies managed by municipalities, and microscale, which expresses the daily functioning of municipalities as an office and the user behavior of municipal employees.

Key objectives of the training program can be named as:

– Waste reducing for the local governments, spreading the information, know-how, and awareness regarding the reuse of the waste and recycling strategies,

– To ensure that local authorities are informed about the international examples carried out in EU standards,

– Setting local governments in motion by focusing on the four main actions determined by the Local Governments Waste Management Hierarchy,

– Strengthening the network of local governments and civil initiatives to facilitate and encourage cooperation (supporting public-private-civil collaboration),

– Providing opportunities for sharing experience and good practices between local governments,

– Providing local governments with an understanding and perspective on Circular Economy models.

The Training Program is as follows:

22 November 2021, 10.00-11.30 (UTC+3) | Introduction: Environmental, Economic and Social Dimensions of Waste
24 November 2021, 10.00-11.30 (UTC+3) | Compost and Non-Toxic Cities for Municipalities
25 November 2021, 10.00-11.30 (UTC+3) | Municipality Experience and Good Practice Sharing in the Context of Waste Reduction
26 November 2021, 10.00-11.30 (UTC+3) | Waste Reduction from Civil Initiative Perspective

The training is planned to be 90 minutes per day for municipal employees to follow easily every day. Accordingly, the motto of the training was determined as “Increase your time, reduce your waste”. The main purpose of the training which was prepared based on the idea of circular communities is to bring awareness, social impact, and vision to municipalities and to bring different actors together.

The training will start on November 22, 2021, with a webinar of experts from different fields who will deal with the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of the waste issue. Subsequently, training on compost and non-toxic cities for municipalities will be held on November, 24. Lastly, training will continue with the sharing of good practices of municipalities on waste reduction and the presentations of civil initiatives working on these issues.


WHERE it will take place




Ragıp Gümüşpala Street

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Marmara Municipalities Union
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

22/11/21, 24/11/21, 25/11/21, 26/11/21


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