Akció az újrahasználat népszer?sítésére,
by: Esztergomi Környezetkultúra Egyesület
- Esztergom
19/11/2016, 20/11/2016, 21/11/2016, 22/11/2016, 23/11/2016, 24/11/2016, 25/11/2016, 26/11/2016, 27/11/2016
The advertising and public promotion of the LFHW events will start this week. The LFHW events are to be held during December, targeting large street markets in the area with the LFHW message. There will be a mobile kitchen unit and a locally famous chef to show people how to cook with leftovers. The recycling team will also be at the events to promote the use of brown bins, offer tips on how to reduce food waste, and hand out free resources to people in passing.
Dates of the proposed action:
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: