Medichem Manufacturing Malta Ltd EWWR 2020
• WHAT will be done
Medichem Manufacturing Malta Ltd continously strives to reduce the amount of waste generated as a result of our operations. Our target during the EWWR 2020 is to increase employees awareness on the amount of waste generated by our industry and promote all the initiatives which the company takes to reduce, reuse or recover such waste.
As a company we also aim to reduce the amount of mixed non-hazardous waste going to landfill and this has been achieved by implementing waste separation for recyclables and organic waste in our premises . Last year Medichem also introduced initiatives to reduce the use of single-use plastic and during 2021 we aim to further strength such initiative by enabling employees to use their own mug when purchasing hot beverages from vending machines.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: