My clothes, microplastics and the ocean: what’s the connection?  


WHAT will be done


Our action this year will start earlier so we can include as many schools as possible, and will be developed in 3 ways:

1. Plastic Cave adaptation

The EWWR 2020 resulted in the establishment of our Plastic Cave, which aims to raise awareness about not only plastic pollution, but also Invisible Waste which exists around us. Our electronics theme are still on display, but now this year we will change it to adapt to the textiles theme by showcasing the breakdown of textiles into microplastics and its impacts to marine life and humans, as well as showing videos related to the theme.

2. School outings

School outings held during the EWWR week will have, instead of the normal activity linked to their age and curriculum, a workshop in which the children will learn about textiles and their impact on the environment. They will be encouraged to understand the importance of a circular economy when it comes to textiles and other items, as well as promoting events in their localities. They will be explained the impacts of microplastics to humans and marine life. Besides, the children will visit our Plastic Cave to complement their activity.

3. Social media

We will promote educational content about this topic on our social media, including quizzes and posts.


WHERE it will take place




St. Paul's bay
Triq it-Trunciera
Malta National Aquarium

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Malta National Aquarium
# Business/Industry

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

19/11/22, 20/11/22, 21/11/22, 22/11/22, 23/11/22, 24/11/22, 25/11/22, 26/11/22, 27/11/22


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