Novo vrijeme za stare stvari 2
• WHAT will be done
Utility Company Čistoća Rijeka will mark this year’s theme for European week waste reduction in Riperaj during the six day festival – New time for old stuff vol.2. Trough series of educational workshops and second hand textile market participants will be encouraged to rethink and change the way they buy and use clothes in a way that is essential for the health of our environment. Also, participants will embrace new skills about textile waste prevention and textile repurpose that can apply in everyday habits.
Festival program:
- 22.11.- DIY doll from old textiles workshop
- 23.11. – DIY star decoration from old textiles workshop
- 24.11. – DIY sustainable gift bag from old textile workshop
- 26.11.- Second hand market for clothes ‘Veseljak Buvljak’
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
e-mail: info@cistoca-ri.he
social media / facebook: Riperaj
phone: 0800 999 900
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: