Oliveira do Bairro Waste Sustainability Observatory


WHAT will be done


The Oliveira do Bairro Waste Sustainability Observatory is an online platform that allows monitoring of various municipal indicators related to waste, information on projects, recycling tips and lots of other information.
This platform aims to optimize the information collected, in real time, in the various projects implemented by the municipality within the scope of urban waste management.
This platform seeks to speed up the transition to a PAYT management model, in which the waste management costs borne by the citizen are directly related to what each one produces and, thus, only pay for what they actually produce. To this end, the “Oliveira do Bairro Waste Sustainability Observatory” will issue, as part of the “Separar para mais Poupar” project, a pro forma invoice in which the savings that would be possible with this management model are calculated.
The “Oliveira do Bairro Waste Sustainability Observatory” will create a database for each project, by receiving the data provided by the equipment, namely the registration of the use of access cards to the ecological islands of the project “Separar para mais Saving” and the collection of containers equipped with the high-frequency (UHF) TAG reading system of the “Separar para mais Reciclar” project. It also allows the recognition of goals proposed and achieved by user and the registration of monthly and annual evolution, recording the quantities of waste collected.
This platform has a set of other features such as:
*the survey “Where to recycle?” which makes it possible to clarify doubts regarding the correct disposal of various types of waste;
*consultation of municipal indicators that make it possible to monitor, for example, the use of access cards in the last 30 days, the volume of use by type of waste and the average use per card;
*the sustainable development objectives where the municipal goals proposed for this scope are presented;
*consulting information about projects;
consultation of news and events in the municipality;
*the didactic game that allows learning to correctly separate waste, in a playful way;
*and consultation of useful contacts, as well as making requests and suggestions within the scope of municipal waste management.


WHERE it will take place


Portugal - other regions


Oliveira do Bairro
Praça do Município

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Câmara Municipal de Oliveira do Bairro
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:


Email: cmolb@cm-olb.pt
Telefone: 234732100


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

19/11/22, 20/11/22, 21/11/22, 22/11/22, 23/11/22, 24/11/22, 25/11/22, 26/11/22, 27/11/22


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