Operational support and global media coverage of Monegasque EWWR
• WHAT will be done
Operationnal support to the national EWWR in the Principality of Monaco and communication about the actions & events held during this week.
The Communication Department of the Princely Government helps the Department of the Environment to define an overall communication strategy in aim to promote the Monegasque EWWR, to build a communication plan and to finance an impacting media-planning to enlight each single action.
Indeed, the Communication Departement also draft press invitations, press releases and build a full press kit listing all the Institutional, Associative or Corporate actions, either private or open to the maintream audiance, held during the EWWR, in the Principality.
More than promoting and raising awarness about the importance of reducing waste, the Communication Department also strengthen the relationship within the media and the locals.
Monaco Info, the National Channel managed by the Communication Departement also shares many informations about the sustainable initiatives held during EWWR by making daily reports and announcements.
The whole team (Communication Departement + Monaco Info) are producing and developping communications tools, specific to the Government to support the eco-responsible policy implemented and to make it accessible by everyone.
• WHERE it will take place
On-line Action:
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: