Pravilno ločuj, odpadke zmanjšuj!


WHAT will be done


Dijaki bodo na šoli pregledali, ali imamo na šoli dovolj košev za ločevanje odpadkov. Naredili bodo popis poškodovanih in manjkajočih košev. Preverili bodo, ali so koši ustrezno in jasno označeni.

Dijaki bodo na delavnici poglobili znanje ločevanja odpadkov. Potekal bo pogovor z dijaki, kjer bodo odgovorjali na vprašanja:

  • Ali doma ločujete odpadke? Kaj to pomeni, da ločujemo? Koliko različnih košev imate? Katerih odpadkov je največ in zakaj je tako? Koliko skupin odpadkov imamo?
  • Koliko košev imamo v učilnici? Katere? Zakaj imamo te koše v učilnici? Kje so postavljeni ostali koši? Katerih odpadkov imamo največ v učilnici?
  • Kaj se dogaja z odpadki, ko jih odvržemo v koš? Kaj naredijo z biološkimi odpadki/embalažo/steklom/papirjem/preostalimi odpadki?
  • Ali veljajo enaka pravila v vseh občinah? Ali so v vseh občinah enako označeni koši? Ali veljajo enaka pravila ločevanja v vseh evropskih držav?
  • Zakaj imamo taka pravila? Kdo določa pravila? Na podlagi česa so določena pravila?
  • Ali se pravila s časom spreminjajo? Na koliko časa je potrebno preverjati, ali se pravila spreminjajo?

Dijaki bodo ocenili svoje znanje ločevanja odpadkov, nato pa bodo preko didaktične igre ločevali odpadke v 7 skupin: biološki odpadki, papirnati odpadki, embalaža, steklo, preostanek odpadkov, nevarni odpadki in kosovni odpadki. Pregledali bomo, kako so ločili odpadke ter preverili njihovo oceno. Njihove napake bomo popravili s predavanjem Ločevanje odpadkov, kjer bodo spoznali, zakaj so pravila ločevanja določena na tak način. Osmislili bodo pravila ločevanja z globljimi razumevanjem. Preverili bomo znanje, ki so pridobili z kvizom Kahoot.

Zato, da bomo spodbujali k pravilnemu ločevanju, bomo organizirali natečaj, kjer bomo iskali najboljše plakate, ki bodo spodbujali k pravilnemu ločevanju odpadkov. Najboljše plakete bomo obesili v bližino košev.

Po predavanju bomo očistili okolico šole. Zbrane odpadke bomo ločili in vrgli v ustrezen koš.

Dijaki si bodo ogledali video gradiva na temo zmanjševanja odpadkov ter na temo življenje brez odpadka. Govorili bomo o tem, katere spremembe, ki pripomorejo k zmanjševanju odpadkov, so pripravljeni uvesti v svoje življenje ter katere spremembe bodo predlagali za uvedbo v družinskem okolju.

Predčasno bomo organizirali zbiranje materiala za izdelavo eko vrečke za nakup sadja in zelenjave. Dijake bomo pozvali, da povprašajo svoje starše in stare starše, ali imajo čipkaste zaveste doma, ki jih ne potrebujejo več. Pokazali jim bomo vzorec blaga za lažjo predstavo. Iz starih zaves bodo dijaki zašili eko vrečke, jim dodali vrvico za zavezovanje ter na vrvico obesili etiketo. Na etiketi je zapisan slogan, ki so ga sestavili dijaki prejšnjih generacij (“Nekoč babičina vlečka, danes eko SVŠGUGL vrečka.”), ki govori o tem, kako je vrečka nastala. Na etiketi je prostor za nalepko, ki jo v trgovini prejmemo pri tehtanju sadja ali zelenjave. Etiketa je plastificirana zato, da se nalepka lahko odstrani. Vrečka je pralna in preizkušeno zdrži vsaj 5 let.

Vsak dijak bo izdelal 3 vrečke: eno za svojo družino, drugo sam podari nekomu, tretja pa bo šla v prodajo na dobrodelni sejem. Znesek bomo namenili našim dijakom, ki so letos utrpeli škodo poplav. Dobrodelni sejem bomo izvedli v decembru.


Students will check at school whether we have enough bins for separating waste. They will make an inventory of damaged and missing bins. They will check if the bins are properly and clearly marked.

Students will deepen their knowledge of waste separation at the workshop. There will be a conversation with the students, where they will answer the following questions:

  • Do you separate waste at home? What does it mean to separate? How many different bins do you have? What is the most waste and why is it so? How many groups of waste do we have?
  • How many bins do we have in the classroom? Which ones? Why do we have these bins in the classroom? Where are the other bins placed? What kind of waste do we have the most in the classroom?
  • What happens to waste when we throw it in the bin? What do they do with bio-waste/packaging/glass/paper/other waste?
  • Do the same rules apply in all parts of our country? Are bins labeled the same in all parts of the coutry? Do the same rules apply in all European countries?
  • Why do we have these rules? Who sets the rules? What are the rules based on?
  • Do the rules change over time? How long does it take to check whether the rules are changing?

Students will assess their knowledge of waste separation, and then, through a didactic game, they will separate waste into 7 groups: biological waste, paper waste, packaging, glass, residual waste, hazardous waste and other waste. We will review how they separated the waste and check their assessment. We will correct their mistakes with the lecture Separation of waste, where they will learn why the rules of separation are determined in such a way. It will make more sense for students why we seperate and gain a deeper understanding. We will check the knowledge they have acquired with a Kahoot quiz.

Therefore, in order to encourage proper separation, we will organize a competition where we will look for the best posters that will encourage proper separation of waste. We will hang the best plaques near the baskets.

After the lecture, we will clean the surroundings of the school. We will separate the collected waste and throw it in the appropriate bin.

Students will watch video materials on the topic of reducing waste and living without waste. We will talk about what changes that help to reduce waste they are ready to introduce in their lives and what changes they will propose to introduce in the family environment.

In advance, we will organize the collection of materials for the production of eco bags for the purchase of fruits and vegetables. We will ask students to ask their parents and grandparents if they have lace curtains at home that they no longer need. We will show them a sample of the material for an easier demonstration. Students will sew eco-bags from old curtains, add a string for tying them and hang a label on the string. The label contains a slogan composed by students of previous generations (“Once a grandmother’s pull, today an eco SVŠGUGL bag.” – it sounds better in our language), which tells how the bag was created. There is space on the label for a sticker that we receive in the store when weighing fruit or vegetables. The label is laminated so that the label can be removed. The bag is washable and tested to last at least 5 years.

Each student will make 3 bags: one for his family, the second will be given to someone, and the third will be sold at a charity fair. We will allocate the amount to our students who suffered flood damage this year. We will hold a charity fair in December.


WHERE it will take place




Kardeljeva ploščad

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimnazija in umetniška gimnazija Ljubljana
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

20/11/23, 21/11/23, 22/11/23, 23/11/23, 24/11/23


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Clean-up actionsReuse and preparing for reuseWaste sorting and recycling

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