Riduci i rifiuti con Intesa: la banca che sensibilizzaRiduci i rifiuti con Intesa: la banca che sensibilizza
by: Intesa Sanpaolo
20/11/21, 21/11/21, 22/11/21, 23/11/21, 24/11/21, 25/11/21, 26/11/21, 27/11/21, 28/11/21
A compelling short video aimed at raising awareness that, essentially, waste is not waste.
Draft: https://vimeo.com/186246369/f4c02fd3ca
It will be available in 15 European languages, in TV and square social media formats. It will be promoted by EEB members at national level and www.Green.TV
We would be thrilled if EWWR organisers could mention the draft video to participants as early as possible with an invitation to make use of it / spread it via their social media & other platforms.
Dates of the proposed action:
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: