#TAPPZero – Reducing waste from water filtration#TAPPZero – Reducing waste from water filtration


WHAT will be done


TAPP  Water Malta invites all households in Malta to join in our new program #TAPPZero where we aim to eliminate any waste being generated from the use of TAPP Water filter refill cartridges.

We launch the new program in this week as our commitment to a circular economy in Malta and in collaboration with our zero emission delivery partner E-Deliv who will collect used refill cartridges when delivering the replacement refill cartridges.

The used refills will be returned to our TAPP Water Malta base and then recyled, reprocessed or reused depending on which of the 6 components parts.

The launch of #TAPPZero is to celebrate the European Waste Reduction week 2021 and to start to collect used filter refills instead of having them go to landfill.

We do not yet have all the answers, but we have many possibilities for reuse/recycle/re-purpose. We are working with several organisations to work out the best use of the components and the used filters we collect will gives us the raw material on which we can conduct all the safety tests we require and to experiment in our processing.

The #TAPPZero programme would not be possible without the collaboration of our zero emission delivery partners E-Deliv who enable us to offer an efficient deliver and collection service.



WHERE it will take place




Triq Misrah Il-Barrieri
Classic Buildings
MSD 1104

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


TAPP Water (Malta) Ltd
# Business/Industry

How can you get in contact:


Email: hello@tappwater.mt
Mobile: +356 9986 6142
@tappwatermalta on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

20/11/21, 21/11/21, 22/11/21, 23/11/21, 24/11/21, 25/11/21, 26/11/21, 27/11/21, 28/11/21


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Reuse and preparing for reuseStrict avoidance and reduction at source

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