#TEAM : A Community Effort


WHAT will be done


The initiative will consists of a variety of activities that will incorporate various sectors of the community to include as much people possible in the event. The main area for all activities will be Triq Toni Zahra including a public space which is regularly frequented by children, young persons and families throughout the whole year.

A clean up activity will be held with the direct participation of the community who are invited prior to the date to participate actively together with the Local Council. All disposed material will be seperated accordingly.

Young people and children are also invited to join in and also help out in the maintenance of a mural that was set up in the same public space two years ago. This mural was creatively designed by a youth empowerment group and used thousands of bottle caps to embellish a large wall in the skate park. Due to weather effects, the mural needs some refreshing and adequately filled up with used caps.

In the public space, we shall be also hosting various informative and fun sessions promoting the three Rs and workshops intended for all ages. We will also involve different enterprises and businesses that are actively promoting less use of plastic and innovative methods in favour of sustainable consumption in every day’s routines.

The Local Council will also be working on 3 video clips of 2-minutes each to promote cleanliness and support from the community to help in keeping the locality clean. The clips will incorporate 3 different key persons well known both on a local level and also a national level. All 3 personalities were born and live in Zejtun. The clips are intended to be put up on You Tube and shared on the Local Council facebook page and website.


WHERE it will take place




Triq Toni Zahra

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Zejtun Local Council
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:

Those interested to join in the initiative are invited to contact the Local Council office by calling on tel.no.21 663866 or the Vice Mayor Stephania Fenech as main contact person responsible on mob.no.99443653 through SMS or Whatsapp.


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:



join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Clean-up actions

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