This activity is based on SD Goals 3– to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all and SD Goal 7– sustainable cities and communities
This child-cantered activity, will teach other children and the community about two important factors that are very dangerous to our environment and therefore to our health. These are
- Invisible Waste
- The use of cleaning products
Prior to this week,
- The Year 5 class will do an online survey, using Microsoft Teams amongst the children at school and children’s guardians. This online survey will ask about the amount of wipes that are being used, whether naturally produced cleaning products are used and whether correct management and reusing of objects is done in households. These results will be displayed in the form of a bar graph and posted on our Facebook page as well as discussed during morning assemblies.
- Guardians will be asked to make cloths out of used t-shirts and educators to bring used spray bottles
- An email will also be sent to the Mayor asking for an online meeting to discuss the possibility of the dissemination of our actions amongst restaurant and other shop owners in Isla.
- Communication with Dive wise will be done so as to conduct an underwater clean up and then discuss with the children the waste they would have found underwater.
During the EWWR week, all the school will be engaged in different activities
- The younger children, Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 will be involved in waste management activities as well as in activities focusing on reusing
- Years 3 and 4 will do an experiment called, “The Rosemary Experiment” whereby a natural cleaning product will be produced out of vinegar, water and rosemary. This product will be used at school by the children and their educators, to clean surfaces using the already brought cloths and spray bottles. The children will give a name to this product. This experiment will be recorded, shown to children and posted on social media.
- Year 6 will do a video called, “The Ghost” about invisible waste. First, a video clip about the lifecycle of a plastic bottle is shown and discussed. Then, the recording of the video will take place- a child will dress up as a ghost with the plastic bottle on his head. This child will be on a chair. Crouched behind (but not visible to the audience who will then be watching the video clip, there will be different children who will have different pictures of the process involved in making a plastic bottle. Whilst a chant is sung, these children will get out and go around the bottle. This will create a visual effect making it more explanatory for all ages. We need to make this waste visible in order to be aware of our footprint and make simple changes to the way we use energy.
After this week
- Planting of rosemary in each class, to be used adjacently with rosemary essential oil for the cleaning of surfaces
- Online meeting with Mayor
- Online meeting with restaurant and other shop owners, about invisible waste, show them the video and discuss with them alternative strategies to storing things and to serve products like, sauces, salt and pepper and sugar.
- Divers from Dive wise will report their findings
- Eco school committee will monitor that, waste management, reusing of objects and the use of cleaning product is being practiced
- Another online survey will be done using Microsoft Teams enquiring on the use of wipes, the use of the cleaning product, waste management and reusing of objects. The results will again be displayed as bar graphs and put on the school’s Face book page.