University of Malta: A Waste-less Community


WHAT will be done


European Week for Waste Reduction (Promotion throughout the whole week)

A few weeks before the beginning of EWWR, KSU found a temporary solution with regards to the recycling system at the University of Malta to start encouraging an attitude of recycling within the students, and simultaneously lessening a large chunk of waste on campus. The KSU Social Policy Office stuck labels made out of plywood on each and every bin within the quadrangle and library area with the aim of making it more visible for students, academics and passers-by to identify which bins are specifically for mixed recycling and which are solely for general waste. We would like to point out that this is solely a temporary solution for a bigger project that we are working on with regards to the recycling system at the University of Malta.


WHERE it will take place




Student's House, University of Malta,
KSU Office
MSD 2080

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
# Association/NGO

How can you get in contact:


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

17/11/2018, 18/11/2018, 19/11/2018, 20/11/2018, 21/11/2018, 22/11/2018, 23/11/2018, 24/11/2018, 25/11/2018


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Waste sorting and recycling

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