
WHAT will be done



This project, carried out by the Municipality of Enna, S.R.R. (Società per la Regolamentazione del Servizio di Gestione Rifiuti) Enna Provincia – Ato 6 and with the collaboration of Dipartimento Acqua e Rifiuti – Regione Siciliana, aims at promoting waste-reduction and reuse of waste through the active involvement of students and citizens. The project consists of following actions:
1) Awareness Campaign for Schools – To raise students awareness of the importance of waste-reduction, an awareness campaign on the importance of re-usage and zero waste will be launched for Schools (Primary and Middle Schools), from 6th to 22th November 2019. Students will be invited, to changing one’s behaviour and daily habits to give, for example, a product a new life or to avoid packaging; we will all say “Change your ways, Reduce your waste”. Meetings will also be organized to show them how to activate the following Creative Recycling Workshops:
a) “Scarta la carta” (Discard the paper): an activity which aims at creating new and useful paper, re-using wastepaper.
b) “Gioca la plastica” (Play the plastic): activity which aims at making toys out of recycled plastic.
c) “How to make home composting” in the schoolyard.
Schools of Enna participating in the educational path: Istituto Comprensivo “E. De Amicis”, Istituto Comprensivo “F. P. Neglia-N. Savarese” and Istituto Comprensivo “Santa Chiara”.
On 18th November 2019 – Primary School of “Istituto Comprensivo Edmondo De Amicis”, at 9:00 am – 11:00 am, conference on Waste Collection.
On 18th November 2019 – Primary School of “Istituto Comprensivo F. P. Neglia-N. Savarese”:
– at 11:00 am – 12:00 am, conference on Waste Collection;
– at 12:00 am – 13:30 am, citizens living nearby schools will be made aware by the students of the Primary School, hunting for “plastic waste”. As well as informing on the thematic focus of EWWR 2019: “Waste education and communcation: change your ways, reduce your waste!”.
On 19th November 2019 – Primary and Middle Schools “Istituto Comprensivo Santa Chiara”:
– at 8:30 am – 10:00 am, conference on Waste Collection;
– at 10:15 am – 12:15 am, citizens living nearby schools will be made aware by the students of the Middle School, who will mount information stalls in front of the nearest supermarket. As well as informing on the thematic focus of EWWR 2019 and on the impact of packaging to reduce our consumption of packaging.

2) Visit to the Communal Collection Point of Enna – students will visit the Communal Collection Point of Enna so to get used to the use of the area for the deposit of bulky waste and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
On 21th November 2019 – c/da Venova, at 10:00 am – 13:00 am.

3) Awareness for Council workers – Council workers will be involved in the awareness and reduction of waste campaign in the office, encouraging them not to print emails, to read and follow document changes on screen, to set printers and photocopiers to print on both sides, to use recycled paper, to drink tap water, and to properly dispose of hazardous waste.
On 21th November 2019 – Municipality of Enna, at 13:00 am – 2:00 pm.

4) Final event
On 22th November 2019 – Municipal Sala Cerere of Enna:
– at 9:00 am – 10:00 am, in a press conference Schools will be invited to participate at the event “European Clean-Up Day”, that will take place on 11th May 2020, during which students will help to clean up the area of “Santuario di Papardura” of Enna;
– at 10:15 am – 2:00 pm, “Students meet the citizens”: at the end of the activities at school and in the nearby area, students will meet the citizens in the Municipal Sala Cerere of Enna, where they will show them how simple is to reduce waste by re-using and re-inventing new products; finally the resulting new products will be exhibited. Furthermore, in order to encourage the use of tap water so to reduce bottle packaging (as well as protecting one’s health by avoiding that plastic chemicals components, used for bottles and other types of food packaging, enter the body), students will invite people to taste several types of water placed on the market, including tap water, with their eyes closed!
Finally, students will collect toys and teen-series books to do an interesting activity called “RiGiocattolo e RiLibro: dai loro una seconda vita, se non li usi più” (Re-Toy and Re-Book: give them a second chance, if you don’t use them anymore). These toys and books will be then given to the voluntary association “La Tenda”, during the ceremony of the “Epiphany of solidarity 2020”, so to contribute to the reduction of both the consumption and waste. The association will provide to give them to children, particularly to those coming from socially disadvantaged families.
– at 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, press conference to launch the event “Use and re-use: for the Planet plastic free”, which will take place on 29th May 2020 in the Municipal Sala Cerere of Enna. Students and experts in the field will give speeches and exhibit the work made during the yearly educational path, so to reinforce the value of the natural resources. Moreover, foodstuffs will be collected and distributed by the voluntary associations “La Tenda” and “Il Centro di Ascolto S. Chiara”, aiming at giving support to the families in need living in Enna, previously communicated by the Social Services of the Municipality of Enna.

Under the Patronage of:
Prefettura di Enna, ARPA Sicilia, Libero Consorzio Comunale di Enna, “Kore” University of Enna, ASP 4 Enna, Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Enna and Eco Enna Servizi S.r.l.


WHERE it will take place




Piazza Coppola

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Comune di Enna; S.R.R. Enna Provincia - Ato 6
# Administration/Public Authority

How can you get in contact:;;;;


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

18/11/2019, 19/11/2019, 21/11/2019, 22/11/2019


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