Waste PREMIUM: Waste PREvention caMpaign In University caMpus


WHAT will be done


The action is a two days information campaign by the environmental management office, on waste prevention and proper waste management at the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) Campus and offices. Its main objectives are:

  • to increase environmental awareness by projecting (poster) existing sustainability actions, especially in the waste management field, and evaluating their environmental positive effect,
  • to familiarise site users with existing waste sorting procedures (a guide on what, where, how) and
  • to propagate (poster) basic tips on plastic waste reduction.
  • to create synergies by increasing networking and alliances between the environmental management office and the University members.

Main target groups are: the academic and administrative stuff of the University, students and last but not least visitors and external colleagues (contractors working on site), which accounts for more than 8000 people. The action is expected to deliver two posters, one guide and multiple in situ office meetings (a live lab) towards an internal sustainability network.

Dissemination of the material and the EWWR Action Day is expected to include:

  • Personal e-messages to all users of the University Server and contractors informing about the EWWR action.
  • E-messages with the material delivered.
  • Announcements with attached material uploaded on the University’s web address and facebook account.
  • Suspension of Posters to announcement boards in the University.
  • Promotion of the web site of the Environmental Management Office of the AUA, which summarises sustainability actions.

On top of that, the Environmental Management Office of the University will dedicate the two Action Days in a live lab by contacting and meeting with concerned members of the University in order to inform on waste prevention actions, share ideas and concerns, design future actions and create alliances to further support its objectives. The LAb’s results will also be disseminated to the AUA Community.

EWWR action will be integrated in the celebrations for one century of Agricultural University of Athens (1920 – 2020).


WHERE it will take place




Iera Odos

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Agricultural University of Athens
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:


Information: Evangelos Kyritsis
+30 2105294896


will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

24/11/20, 25/11/20


join hands and minds to prevent waste?

Check out other actions that will cover these themes:

Strict avoidance and reduction at sourceWaste sorting and recycling

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