What is Invisible Waste and how do we tackle it? – Earth Christmas Wish – Lija Primary School


WHAT will be done


During EWWR week we shall be having a virtual assembly for the whole school on Invisible Waste. We will raise important questions to help spark further action…

Earth Christmas wish will continue for our school this year once again with a twist – we shall be having the Christmas eco-friendly competition once again this year and the children who wrap most presents without using normal wrappers can win some nice book prizes. We shall be extending this to having Christmas decorations at home that are made from recyclable materials to discourage buying of new decorations and thus increasing even more litter. The children will start preparing for this during EWWR week.

We shall be inventing an interactive story book about reducing litter with the help of a sponge fish with different items on it and turn it into an interactive storybook..
Cora is on her way to a Christmas party with her fish mates…. But what happens to Cora until she gets to the party? And how come Cora turns into a dirty, sad and tired fish until she reaches her mates’ reef?! Cora’s unlucky Christmas adventure is a story of a fish on her way to her mates’ reef to celebrate Christmas together…but on the way Cora has to swim through the litter that people ended up throwing in the ocean… a once so happy Cora arrives at her mates’ reef so sad and dirty. During this story, children will take turns to throw different items which they are asked to bring from home into the water where Cora the sponge fish lies…. At the end of the story the children will observe the changes in the sponge fish. At every stage pictures will be taken to turn this adventure into a book. This book will be turned into an ebook and sent as a link to children at home to read this story and share Cora’s unlucky adventure to raise awareness on sea pollution.
This storybook will be turned into an ebook and in turn shared with the parents so that it can be read at home this Christmas.

We decided that we wanted the litter less campaign at school to extend to our constant promotion of spreading love for reading.


Year 4 classes will be participating in an acitivty using Nearpod, PowerPoint and videos related to waste reduction. Then, a related comprehension or story.   At the end students will be asked to draw/write a poster related to the theme.

Another year 4 class  will prepare a cooking activity to encourage the love for food but at the same time promoting waste reduction when cooking. Will try and incorporate it with as many subjects as possible all throughout the week.

K1 class … To extend the knowledge of our students about waste reduction K1 classes plan to discuss how we can care for the world around us by asking if they know what the three R`s are.  Students will then be engaged watching a video about the importance of plastic recycling. Following this we will reuse several plastic bottles and milk cartons( provided by parents’ a week before) and students will be encouraged to paint the lower part of the bottle as well as the milk cartons that will be used as pots,  a poem about the importance of recycling will then be glued to do pot. Attached kindly find pictures that will help you to understand more my plan.

Another K2 class will be reusing old crayons that were accumulated over the years. Each child takes some and break them down to small pieces. Then will place them in a muffin tray and melt them in the oven. This way will have a rainbow crayon.

Year 1  classes will be doing a craft with recycled materials.

Another year 5.2 will be doing an English comprehension ‘ Where does all the rubbish go?’ and following that the children will create an awareness poster

Another kinder class will plant vetches (ġulbiena) in milk cartons as part of waste reduction week.

Year 1 class

  1.  Overall basic knowledge for kids about recycling and the three Rs
  2. We are going to concentrate in class about reusing e.g. lunch box, carton paper (we use for literacy in class), taps (for alphabet).
  3. We will collect egg carton containers and create a centipede as a collective craft (ċ ċentupied – we are working on the letter ċ).


KG1 classes

Show kids a short video about the 3rs.

The educator goes through the video and explains it again in simple terms and asks kids questions to assess their understanding.


(A week before the educator would have brought various objects for the kids to use and left in quarantine at school).

-Hence following the explanation the educator shows the items to the kids and helps them identify the material of the items provided.

Using these items we play a seperation of waste activity.


-Following this ( or the next day…depending on the children) we will carry out a recycling activity – 3d flower pot : Painting of plastic bottle and milk pot.

Conclude activity with a reduce, reuse, recycle  song.



Year 1.2

English – Story telling – The Messy Magpie

Listen to the story and discuss.

Social Studies – discussing the 3 Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What do they mean? Why is it important to practise each one? How can we practise each one in our daily lives?

Arts and Crafts creating something out of plastic bottles: a decoration or a piggy bank



Waste Reduction Activity K2.1

Name: Be wise and reduce your waste

– The children will bring a shoe box from home wrapped with recycled material


-I will show them a video about Christmas presents to elicit the idea of presents

-We will discuss gift wrapping and where paper comes from

– I will ask children to unwrap their present slowly

– Once all the children unwrap the box I will ask the children to lay the wrapping paper on the floor next to each other.

This will help them to visualize paper wastage

-Step further

We will measure the wrapping paper with string


Year 2 class

If yes, this is my write up for the activity: We will be reading a story through flashcards about Freddy the fish and his days in the sea. Children will bring different items from home like oil, salt, raisins etc…. Freddy will be a sponge in water and children take turns to come and pour their item on Freddie … like this we will keep the distance. At the end we see the result – how does Freddy look now?


European Week for Waste Reduction- Year 2.1, year 2.3

Introduction: Throughout the week, children will watch a video that explains how plastic hurts the world. The students will then discuss the harmful effects of plastic on humans, animals and the environment. We will also discuss how our health is affected, and more importantly, we will discuss the importance of reducing waste.

Main Activity: The children will be asked to bring a few resources which contribute to pollution – particularly sea pollution such as: cotton buds, plastic caps, colours, plastic straws, plastic bags, etc. The students will also be encouraged to bring any toy sea creatures they have at home. Once all the resources are gathered, I will prepare a small plastic box, fill it with water and all the resources that the children brought.

The students will then be encouraged to take out any plastic waste from the water, using a pair of thongs. Through this activity, the children will learn not to litter our world and about the importance of reducing plastic waste altogether.

Closure: As a closure for this activity, students are shown a video about a tale of a whale who tries to clear its environment from plastic waste. It is an interesting video that helps us realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to reduce waste and protect it from pollution.




WHERE it will take place




22 Robert Mifsud Bonnici Street Lija
LJA 1404

Action Developer

WHO will run the show


Lija/Balzan/Iklin Primary School
# Educational Establishment

How can you get in contact:



will it happen?

Dates of the proposed action:

21/11/20, 22/11/20, 23/11/20, 24/11/20, 25/11/20, 26/11/20, 27/11/20, 28/11/20, 29/11/20


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