Zero Waste Educator Trainings
• WHAT will be done
The one day (and the first day of the two day version) aims to up-skill participants so they can become informed and equipped to lead others in reducing waste, through workshops and events in their communities. The following topics are included, and delivered through fun and lively participative methodologies and discussions.
What is Zero Waste?
The Rs and where to start
The Zero Waste Movement
Why do we need Zero Waste?
Waste Statistics
The problem with Plastic
How to plan and run your own event or workshop
Suitable for those who have not done the one-day Zero Waste Educator Training with LYCS already.
Two-Day workshop: The first day of the two-day workshop is as above. The second day will be a deeper exploration of how our way of living is threatening the survival of life on the planet, and how to react to this. Topics explored include:
Globalisation and Consumerism
Economic Growth. Green Growth or Degrowth?
The concept of sufficiency and meeting human needs
Dealing with apathy and how to involve people in sustainability
Paradigm change
Nature Connection and Self-Care
The second day is suitable for anyone who has already done the Zero Waste Educator training and wants to go deeper into the learning. It is not possible to do the second day on a stand alone basis.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: