Patch it up!
• WHAT will be done
The programme of activities and the implementation are based on input of young people that are active in the community and the local council. We have already worked on such initiatives as a youth empowerment group and the young people engage themselves very actively in sewing their own clothes and accessories, and going round in charity shops and thrifting events. They believe in the concept both as a sustainable method but also as an economical perspective.
During the EWWR week, that is from the19th till the 27th November, the focus will be the launch and promotion of the events to come up namely:
Saturday 19th November – Outreach Activity – where we shall be in the community pjazza (main square) and the public spaces talking and catching up with people about more awareness of recycling, reusing and repairing our clothes instead of disposing of them. We shall work on recycled tote bags by using material from used clothes and distribute to the community for further awareness and publicity of the EWWR week. We shall use the social media available to us as a community to further enhance our message. Promotion will also be done regarding the following activities as hereunder.
Saturday 3rd December – Sale – collection of different clothing and textile items that we can upcycle and reuse. The target is to sell these items through which the profit is to be directed towards animal welfare and other charitable organisations.
Saturday 10th December – Swap/Rescue – This event will be held in one of the public gardens in Zejtun namely Gnien San Girgor. In an interesting atmosphere, we target to host on the spot clothes swaps and thrifting ideas where people can participate directly with their belongings together with tips of apparel mending and craft ideas for kids and adults.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: