Tetra ghall-Istrina
• WHAT will be done
Green MT, a Waste Packaging EPR Scheme, whilst striving to increase recycling of packaging waste in Malta, ensures that the general public is on board throughout any of its environmental activities.
Adding to our ongoing campaign, Green MT is this year proposing an EWWWR action to enhance public participation in increasing the recycling of basic day-to-day use products like milk and juice cartons. Through Tetra ghall-Istrina we will target Schools, NGO’s, Local Councils, Catering Establishments and the hotel industry.
Till mid 2016, milk and juice cartons were not considered as recyclables in Malta. Up to now few advertising campaigns have been done to encourage the general public to properly dispose of these materials.
To help creating more awareness, Green MT will be encouraging and assisting the general public to separate milk and juice cartons and disposing them in the recycling bags already given for free by the Scheme.
Green MT’s Awareness Campaign would include advertorial slots on traditional media and the use of new media to reach different audiences and explain better to the general community how the importance of separation at source and the benefits of recycling in the long term.
Green MT would reach a targeted audience by disseminating promotional and educational material to School, Local Councils, and other NGO’s with the aim to reach out students and the general public to collect as much as possible of these materials throughout the whole week. To give tangible solutions, Green MT has a direct Freephone line and will provide a free collection service to households, catering establishments, Schools and Local Councils who would be participating in separating and collecting these materials in order to be recycled.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Green MT is joining efforts to raise funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund and its annual fundraising activity l-Istrina. Green MT is committing to donate Euro 60 per ton of milk and juice cartons collected throughout the whole EWWR Campaign Week. Our target is to donate Euro 5000 so that the Malta Community Chest Fund will continue to improve the health, quality of life and wellbeing of people in their time of need.
• WHERE it will take place
Action Developer
• WHO will run the show
How can you get in contact:
+356 21496965/6, +356 99246925, +356 80074444
Facebook: @greenmtmalta
will it happen?
Dates of the proposed action:
join hands and minds to prevent waste?
Check out other actions that will cover these themes: